The National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) is implementing India's first Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) between Delhi and Meerut
The work to install Platform Screen Doors(PSDs) at RRTS stations on the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut corridor has been started, an official statement said on Monday.
The National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) is implementing India's first Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) between Delhi and Meerut.
The work began from the Guldhar station of the corridor's priority section, it said.
"PSDs will act as a barrier between train and the tracks for the safety of commuters, thereby ensuring better crowd management at the stations as well as avoiding any untoward incident such as passengers falling on the tracks," according to a statement by the NCRTC.
The process of installing platform screen doors for the remaining #rrts stations of the Priority Section has also started. It will pick up pace with the completion of the roof sheds of the stations.
In the process, various parts of platform screen doors such as automatic sliding doors, fixed door panels, platform end gates, emergency escape doors, and fixed screens are being installed, it said.
Installation of Platform Screen Doors (PSDs) at #RRTS stations on Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut corridor has started from #Guldhar RRTS station of Priority Section. #ncrtc #gatishakti #MakeInIndia #AtmanirbharBharat #NewIndia #TransformingIndia
These platform screen doors will be integrated with RRTS train doors and ETCS Level-2 signalling system, resulting in train doors opening and closing simultaneously with platform screen doors, it said.
For passenger safety, the train will run only when the doors and platform screen doors are closed, it said.
The NCRTC is implementing Hybrid Level 3 technology of European Train Control System (ETCS Level-2) for operation of RRTS trains which is one of the most advanced signalling and train control systems in the world, it added.
The PSDs will not only help in preventing unforeseen incidents but will also reduce the risk of accidents, the statement said.
The trains that will run on the RRTS corridor will primarily consist of six coaches, comprising five standard and one premium class coach.
Each standard class coach will have three doors on one side and the premium class coach will have two doors. Accordingly, there will be a total of 17 doors on the entire train. Based on this, total 17 platform screen doors will be installed in each platforms of the RRTS stations, the statement said.
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