Turkey season, gun law changes in NY: What to know

2022-09-09 20:13:34 By : Mr. Frank Liang

In the 35 years I have been eyeballing the big oak tree overhanging my driveway, I can’t recall ever having a year in which there was no acorn production. Not every growing season was optimal, and there have been several years in which I resorted to using a snow shovel to clear an overabundance of acorns off the pavement.

I just did an inspection of my favorite mast producer, that large white oak. Acorns are included in the term “mast” crop. It comes from the ancient English word 'mæsst,' meaning the fruit of beech, oak, chestnut and other forest trees, especially as food for pigs. In mast years, pig herders would fatten their pigs on the glut of acorns and nuts. While I don’t have any pigs, I traditionally feed numerous deer, turkeys, countless squirrels, other critters with the acorns that fall off that tree.

Red oaks and white oaks typically alternate heavy years. Since last year was a particularly good year, not snow shovel good, but very good, I wouldn’t have been surprised if this was a down year. What I wasn’t expecting was for it to be a, not-one-acorn-on-the-entire-tree year. I wouldn’t be surprised if I answer a knock at my door early one morning and find a turkey standing there looking for its allocation of acorns.

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The good news − I am still routinely seeing turkeys in the neighborhood. On a recent morning I watched 10 hens parade up my driveway single file from across the road. They hung around for a few minutes until a large brood hen told them to get back in formation and paraded them off into the timber behind the house.

I’m seeing several tom turkeys periodically, sometimes accompanied with a couple of hens. I have other reports coming in that suggest turkey hunters may be able to bag their one bird limit this fall.  

The fall season is just 14 days because the state’s turkey population is well down from its historic highs. You may take one bird of either sex. If and when you do, tag it, remove and preserve one leg, and report your harvest. the Department of Environmental Conservation may send you information as to what to do with the leg. DEC game managers will use it for age and sex information.

You may report your harvest via DECALS by calling 1-866-GAME-RPT (1-866-426-3778) toll-free or via the online reporting system by going to decals.licensing.east.kalkomey.com and using the "Report Game Harvest" tab.

A regulatory change effective Sept. 1 changed the minimum shot size for hunting turkeys from No. 8 to No. 9, statewide. DEC feels because modern shotshells use heavier metals such as tungsten alloy, tungsten-iron, or bismuth, they maintain enough kinetic energy downrange − even in the smaller shot size − to humanely harvest a turkey. Changes to shot size restrictions apply to both fall and spring seasons.

The Southern Zone fall season opens Oct. 15 and will close Oct. 28.

With the fall hunting season coming up fast, every hunter should become familiar the state’s new requirements for the purchase and transfer of ownership of semi-automatic rifles. There are also a litany of new laws dictating the purchase, possession, storage and transport of firearms and ammunition in New York. If you are a hunter, at some point you will likely have to transport your firearms to and from the places you hunt. Don’t disregard the new laws; violations can have stiff penalties associated with them, up to and including felonies in some cases.

The DEC website has a list of frequently asked questions regarding the new laws, including additional detail regarding impacts to hunting and hunting-related activities.

The state has also developed a new website called Gun Safety in New York State at Gunsafety.NY.Gov

I strongly suggest that you take the time to read and understand all of the information you can regarding the new laws.

The DEC is reminding all new hunters and trappers planning to go afield this season they must first complete a mandatory hunter, bowhunter or trapper education course before they purchase the appropriate sporting license or hunting privilege.  Online education courses are available and in-person, instructor-led hunter education courses are also being offered throughout New York during September and October.

Bowhunter education, trapper education and waterfowl hunter education courses are also available, and all in-person courses are free and offer hands-on experience.

Licenses are now on sale. If you need to take a certification course − especially if you prefer an in-person course − you should register for a class as soon as possible.   

All in-person courses require students to review course materials and complete homework prior to attending the classroom and field session. The homework portion of the course introduces the subject and enhances understanding of the course material. Proof of the completed homework is required to attend the in-person part of the course. Students should register for the course well in advance of the course date to allow time to complete the homework requirement, which takes approximately three hours. All in-person courses will require successful completion of an in-person field day to earn certification for the course. 

DEC's online registration system makes it easy to view a list of all available courses. To locate a hunter or trapper education course, visit DEC's website at dec.ny.gov/outdoor/92267.html

You may also contact a local DEC office for assistance. The Region 3 Office can be reached  at 845-256-3098.

Bill Conners of the Federation of Fish and Game Clubs writes on outdoors issues. Email: conners@billconners.net.