Garage Sale: Thur., Fri., and Sat. 8a-4p 3831 Bluehaven Hill Circle (Bluebonnet Hills Subdivision) ; furniture, household goods, clothing, teaching items, books, antiques, Christmas items, and more, too much to list
For Sale: Bernina Virtuosa 153 sewing machine, Alex Anderson quilters edition, exce. cond., extra parts, comes w/ case on wheels – 979-203-3923
For Sale: 2/2 mobile home, YOU must move $9500 – 832-349-2073
For Sale: twin over twin bronze bunk beds w/ mattress, exce. cond. $275 – 979-277-4969
Garage Sale: Sat. 8a-? 503 Atlow ; furniture, household items, décor, clothes, some vintage items, plants
Garage Sale: Fri. 8a-5p and Sat. 8a-12n 2121 FM 109 ; baby mattress, infant car seat, home décor, pillows, purses, clothes, swimming pool pump
For Sale: solid wood paneled front door, 35 ¾ x 79 ¼ $45 ; granite counter top, 47 1/8 x 21 7/8 $20 ; white closet door, 24x80 $25 ; Eureka “The Boss” smart vac, works $25 – 979-865-8442
For Sale: John Deere 175 Hydro lawn tractor $275 -- 979-421-0114
Estate Sale: Fri. 9a-5p and Sat. 9a-2p 406 E. Lubbock St. (garage on Lee St.) ; lg. living estate sale, former owner of Today and Yesterday antiques, NO EARLY SALES
For Sale: drill press ; tile saw ; Makita ½” grinder ; wood vise, bench mounted ; wood planer ; DeWalt 18v tools ; Metabo 18-gau. brad nailer – 979-421-0202
Garage Sale: Sat. 8a-12n 1706 Dempsey St. ; household items, clothing, misc. items
For Sale: '93 Jeep YJ, 4.0 high output engine, 105K mi. on chassis, rebuilt motor (less than 10K mi.), needs front end work $5000 -- 281-974-9309
For Sale: ’05 Chevy Astrovan, factory conversion (Regency package), V6, front and rear a/c, DVD player w/ screen, (4) captains chairs, 3rd row seating that folds to bed, maroon color, grey cloth int., (2) stereos, towing package, 188K mi. – 979-229-2510
For Sale: quality square bales of Coastal hay, $7.75 ea. (min. 100 bales), baling tomorrow – 979-865-3804
For FREE: refrigerator, running ; For Sale: ’86 Honda Rebel motorcycle, 21K mi. – 979-251-0248
For Sale: Next brand propane grill, 4-burners and side burner $100 ; 20” boys Mongoose “Pebble” bike $70 – 979-277-5952
For Sale: 18” girls pink bike, hand bar brakes $25 ; 3-tier glass TV stand $40 -- 979-277-8845
For Sale: Rainbow vacuum, has all attachments, new motor, refurbished $500 – 979-451-3773
For Sale: post hole digger, 3-pt., has (2) bits, like new – 979-836-7314
For Seale: fresh vegetables – tomatoes, onions, red potatoes, green and yellow wax beans, beets, salad cucumbers, squash (yellow, zucchini, white scalloped), cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, banana peppers, jalapenos ; shelled pecans – 979-836-2889
For FREE: eggs, good for pets consumption ; chicken manure, bring own container ; goat manure, you must rake up yourself ; For Sale: bags of goat manure $3/bag for (5) or more bags – 979-530-7421 NO TEXTING
For Sale: rear end for 1-ton dually – 979-347-2676
For Sale: gas stoves, older, refurbished, O’Keefe and Merrit (1951 models) – 979-251-2505
For Sale: (2) John Deere MT tractors, restored, repainted, parade ready ; 4’ box blade $400 – 936-870-5148
For Sale: left handed bathtub $100 – 979-451-2426
For Sale: ’09 Dodge Ram dually, 4x4, 200K mi., automatic ; Case 3032 tractor, 50HP, 2WD, front end loader, runs good ; ’18 bumper pull trailer, 20’ ; $43,000 for all – 979-451-0890
For Sale: 32’ motorhome, V10 Triton engine, gas, refurbished int., like new tires, inspected, runs great $44,000 OBO, can send pictures – 281-948-9117
FOUND: dog, near FM 159/New Brahman Rd., wearing red breast collar, a little skiddish – 979-732-1300
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Perhaps, if voters were given an option to vote for *just* a...
NICE to just hear about this for the first time with less th...
I bet if the Sheriff asked the EMS Director, he could get an...
I 100% agree with this comment...
Public safety is important but what about our EMS which also...