Speak Out: Attorney general should investigate Tiffany Henyard

2022-09-23 20:27:41 By : Ms. Dora Xu

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, left, and Thornton Township Supervisor Tiffany Henyard appear together at a town hall June 13, 2022, at the South Holland Community Center. (Ted Slowik / Daily Southtown)

Speak Out allows readers to comment on the issues of the day. Email Speak Out at speakout@southtownstar.com or call 312-222-2427. Please limit comments to 30 seconds or about 120 words and give your first name and your hometown.

It seems Thornton Township Supervisor Tiffany Henyard just does what she pleases. Dolton police chief and four vehicles with lights and sirens do not believe in obeying the laws. The Dolton police chief and numerous other village of Dolton employees, whose salary is paid by the taxpayers, attend a court matter on a political matter. Also Henyard's security personnel, which are paid for by taxpayers. Where is the Illinois attorney general? Do your job and represent everyone, not just who you want to and feel like representing.

You can become your own personal climate activist. You can deactivate your automatic garage door opener, pull the plugs on your refrigerator, microwave, toaster, washer and dryer. Then, limit your travel to short trips using only a bicycle or, better yet, walk. You could maybe leave your TV plugged in so you could watch Netflix and CNN. Heaven forbid, you could maybe read a book. You may have even better ideas.

To Marv in Bridgeview. As a Protestant, I agree with you on no canonization. However, in Matthew 12: 38-39, the Pharisees asked Jesus for a miraculous sign from him. Jesus response was a wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign. We should consider all of God’s creation to be one gigantic sign.

So Gov. J.B. Pritzker is expressing displeasure with Gov. Greg Abbott. I wonder how many of these migrants are being housed in one of JB’s hotels?

So here we go again, another elected politician gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar. This time it’s Emil Jones III. But wait, his father says it does not reflect the man he is. So he’s not a thief for accepting bribes. If you needed $5,000 that badly or whatever the real amount was, why didn’t you, father, just give him the money he thought he needed? How many people would love to have a salary in excess of $90,000 with all the benefits that go with it?

I see Judge Carl Boyd was put on restricted duty for a domestic violence offense. Why wasn’t Kim Foxx put on restricted duty when she committed domestic violence?

How did we get to the point that pro- life is evil and pro-abortion is celebrated? The answer is sin.

Well, there’s management. So much for your wonderful quarterback, Justin Fields. After watching the game against Green Bay, it turns out he’s another Trubisky. I hope you don’t keep him as long as you kept Trubisky.

Hallelujah for Attorney General Letitia James in New York and her civil action against you know who. Finally someone will put this scam artist where he belongs and out of business, hopefully behind bars. Goodbye. Mr. Donald Trump.

Bill, You said the people responsible for 9/11 have not been brought to justice. Both bin Laden and his second in command, plus thousands of his followers, are dead. But you just wanted to make that statement to attack the multiple investigations of you dear leader in state and federal courts, plus multiple investigations of him by the FBI as a witch hunt.

When Joe Biden proudly claimed the pandemic is over, there wasn’t Democratic panic in the swamp. Even when health officials said we no longer had to distance, quarantine or mask, it didn’t bother Democratic Congress just as long as officials still strongly suggested us to get a booster shot. Why panic now? Because big money is involved, either for big pharma or for the Congress’ pocketbooks that were paid by them to back and distribute their unproven shot.

Vice President Kamala Harris is upset the governor of Texas is sending migrants crossing the border to her hometown. She’s in charge of the border control. If she won’t go to the border, let the border come to her. How’s it feel, chameleon?

Democrat Lie No. 23: On the very same day that President Joe Biden holds a gala on the South Lawn of the White House to tout his misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, it is announced that the rate of inflation in August was 8.3%, down slightly from the 40-year high a couple of months ago. It is noted that when the Democrat-reviled President Trump left office, it was 1.4%. So, if you like high inflation, continue to vote for the Democrats.

A few things come to mind about former President Donald Trump: sexual assault, violation of the Hatch Act, Ukraine blackmail, defamation, fraud of the U.S. government, stealing top secret information, removing and concealing classified documents, obstruction of justice, campaign finance fraud, attempted coup, bank fraud, Russian collusion, porn star hush money, fake electors, racist, tax evasion, charity scam, sedition, bribery, QAnon conspiracy.

Anyone who can’t see Trump as the lying, scheming, treasonous criminal that he is must either have their heads in the sand or are living under a rock. That fact is that all the federal, legal and criminal prosecution organizations are finally now going after him. This should have been done years ago.

To Linda from Orland Park in reference to Chicago’s deadliest weekend. I wonder how many of those weapons used were brought in illegally, like by the gangs and the cartels crossing the border into Chicago, this sanctuary city. Also, please wonder why the Republican cities and states have far less crime than the Democratic-run cities and states. Maybe it’s because a blind eye is turned to the rule of law. Just wait until the new SAFE-T act kicks in.