Rock Band Angels and Airwaves Surprise Illinois Second Graders

2022-05-20 23:36:04 By : Mr. Frank Pan

A second-grade music class just went viral which led to a pretty awesome surprise from a popular rock band.

Mr. Wilkey, also known as Christian Wilkey or @christianswilkey on TikTok, has been an elementary music teacher for 6 years.  The last 3 years have been at his current school in his hometown of Tremont, Illinois.  Mr. Wilkey just started uploading videos to Tiktok about 3 months ago.  With only 14 videos on his profile, he already has nearly 12 thousand followers and 218 thousand total video likes.  That's impressive.  But that's not even half of it.

Wilkey uploaded a video of his 2nd-grade music class singing a song called "Everything's Magic" by rock back Angels and Airwaves on the morning of April 7th.  And it blew up.  As of today (April 25th, 2022) the video below has been viewed over 1.1 million times.

Later that evening Wilkey posted a video of excitement and gratitude as that video gained traction in record time.

Angels and Airwaves is an alternative rock band formed by Blink 182 frontman Tom DeLonge in the mid-2000s.  The band has 6 top 40 hits on Billboard's Alternative Airplay chart including "The Adventure" and "Everything's Magic."

Two days later Mr. Wilkey posted an update video.  In that video he let everyone know that not only did Tom DeLonge of Angels and Airwaves post the viral video on his IG, he also had the band's tour manager send the class a bunch of Angels and Airwaves swag and autographs.  How cool is that?