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2022-06-10 20:21:43 By : Mr. Horse Jim

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Oh hey there. You're a sentient being (presumably), right? Then there's a high probability that you love Target. If you're a mom, well, then, say no more. This Twitter roundup has your name all over it.

Is there a faster jolt of serotonin than when those automatic doors whoosh open and you're hit in the face with the smell of your favorite local Target? For some of us it's the popcorn. For others, it's the Starbucks. Then we grab our red cart, get sucked into the dollar section, and begin our Target journey.

Sure, we could lie to ourselves and say we "just need one thing." We all know that's far from the truth. We have to look at everything first. And I mean everything—the handbags, the swimsuits, the sandals, the adorable and affordable kids' clothes, the cleaning supplies, the books, the sheets, the shower curtains, and—for those of us who aren't able to peruse solo—the toys.

Related: 12 hilariously accurate tweets about why moms stay up late (even though we’re exhausted)

The best part about loving Target is that it's a universal experience, especially for moms. Everyone just gets it. So this roundup's for you, Target-loving mamas. May your cart be as smooth as the iced caramel macchiato you're sipping as you browse.

I’ve never spent time braving the elements but I have spent time at Target on Black Friday and I think that counts

— Erin can have a little COVID as a treat (@Mom_Overboard) May 31, 2022

Overheard a mom in Target lovingly call her child "sugar opossum" and I would like to formally apologize to all my friends that will now be referred to as such

my mom: you need to stop wasting your money shopping also my mom: wanna go to target and tj maxx with me? 😂🙄

the shopping carts at Target have the smoothest action and it's not even close 🛒

— Don't @ Mii (@yahahahufoundme) May 23, 2022

If your girl says “I’m going to target real quick” just go to bed. She belongs to target now.

— Kucci Mane (@xtravdeezyx) May 27, 2022

Hey guys, if your wife says she's at home doing laundry, she's lying. She's at Target, they're all at Target, literally right this minute.

bored? go to target. hungry? go to target. depressed? go to target. stressed? go to target.

Related: 12 tweets about the adorable words that kids make up

No one goes to target because they need something. You go to target and let target tell you what you need.

— haley (@haley_copeland) January 31, 2018

The bad part about going to Target by yourself on a Saturday night is… … … …absolutely nothing. It’s one of the world’s purest joys.

When I'm stressed or upset my husband says "Do you need to go to Target?" And that's how I know I married the right man.

My son told me I’m a mean mommy and I have to shop at the mean mommy store. Do you think it’s Target? I hope it’s Target.

— Mama Needs A Coke (@MamaNeedsACoke) September 21, 2021

Me: We're just picking up a few things, right?

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) September 10, 2017

People who aren’t used to being in Target:

There are rules. Stay in your lane. The left lane is for passing only. Enjoy the popcorn. If the mom in front of you is smelling candles, be patient. Your turn is coming soon. Smile at everyone, this is our church.

— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) December 21, 2017

For anyone who says parents can't have Friday night fun, I'm at Target right now buying toilet paper.

So, yeah, you're right.

— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) November 18, 2017

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