Owen Sound Sun Times

2022-03-12 03:02:12 By : Mr. Danny Dang

SOUTH HURON – South Huron council recently approved the design for the $4.5-million renovation project for the South Huron Rec Centre (SHRC).

Kyle Benassi and Bob Prince of Invizij Architects presented the design at council’s March 7 meeting.

As previously reported, council has approved a maximum $4.5 million in this year’s budget for the SHRC renovations, which includes six new dressing rooms, a new officials’ room, new dasher boards and glass, a revitalized lobby and viewing area, new washrooms and a new entrance with sliding doors.

Benassi showed drawings to councillors and took them through the upcoming renovations.

The existing warming room and some of the administration rooms will be removed to allow for an expansion of the lobby. The new configuration will allow for those in the lobby to view the action on the ice, and tables and chairs will also be placed near the glass for viewing. New universal washrooms will also replace the existing public washrooms. The washrooms will include adult change tables.

A feature of the building’s entrance will be new automatic sliding doors, making it easier for those carrying equipment. The new entrance will also be accessible, and there will be new signage and siding at the entrance.

The new dressing rooms will be constructed on the west side of the building. Two of the dressing rooms will be barrier-free. The barrier-free dressing rooms will be about 840 sq. ft. in size each, while the standard dressing rooms are about 700 sq. ft. each, Benassi said.

The officials’ room has space for 10 officials and includes lockers.

Ceiling tiles in the facility will also be replaced.

Benassi said the existing dasher boards are 48 inches high, and Invizij is proposing to reduce that to the standard 42 inches. The new boards will also be insulated for sound and comfort, as will the roof, something Coun. Marissa Vaughan said she found encouraging.

Upon questioning from Coun. Dianne Faubert, Benassi said the snack bar/kitchen area will remain.

Chief administrative officer Dan Best said there will be some minimal work done to the arena kitchen in this renovation, which has been dubbed “phase one.” Features discussed for a possible second phase include a walking track, a gym and a second floor multi-purpose room.

While Vaughan asked why the warm viewing room is being removed, Benassi instead described the work as an expansion of the warming room by removing a section of administration offices and a wall separating the wall and the arena.

“We’ve now created one seamless floor area,” he said. “We’ve in essence expanded the warm viewing area as opposed to eliminated it.”

Best said expanding the lobby improves the experience in the arena and gives it a more modern look, along with making it more accessible.

Coun. Aaron Neeb said there are a number of positive enhancements with the project and he likes the idea of the new universal washrooms.

There are no changes to the stands planned in this project.

CAO Best pointed out that SHRC user groups have provided feedback and they’ll continue to be involved. Best said it’s hoped construction on the new dressing rooms is done by the end of August, but the municipality may need to start the season using the old dressing rooms on the east side of the building.

“We’re always going to be subject to the challenges of supply chain,” Best said of the construction timeline.

Bob Prince of Invizij said the company will now start preparing construction documentation, then doing cost estimates to stay within budget. He said the lobby, dasher boards and washrooms will be done first.

“I think you’re going to be really happy with this facility,” Prince said. “Once you get into it … you’re going to love it.”

After council approved the design plans all members of council spoke positively of the renovations, with Deputy Mayor Jim Dietrich saying, “It’s a great project … I think we’re doing the proper thing here now by renovating what’s there and adding six new dressing rooms. Hopefully we’re going to have some happy people.”

Dietrich said he hopes a future renovation phase can go ahead eventually.

Coun. Ted Oke echoed Dietrich’s comments and said the dressing rooms needed to be replaced.

Neeb said the renovation is “a huge benefit” to South Huron residents, while Vaughan said it’s exciting to move forward with both the SHRC renovations and the $2-million in upgrades at the Stephen Township Arena in Huron Park.

“I’m looking forward to any next phases,” she said.

In other recreation news, the municipality reasserted its plans to have both the Exeter and Kirkton-Woodham pools open full time this summer, and Best said the municipality has already hired several lifeguards so far, with several more still to be hired.

“I certainly look forward to getting those pools filled with kids,” Mayor George Finch said.

While lifeguard positions have traditionally gone to students, Faubert said there are also qualified seniors interested in working part time.

Director of fire and community services Jeremy Becker said this year’s lifeguard staff will include returning guards as well as new guards and he said, “It looks like we’re going to have a good pool season. We’re going to be working as diligently as we can to keep them operating full time.”

Last summer the Exeter and Kirkton-Woodham pools were only open every other week due to staffing shortages. South Huron’s neighbour to the south, Lucan Biddulph, wasn’t able to open its pool at all last season because it couldn’t find lifeguards to staff the pool.

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