New details: Fire causes extensive damage to house in Yarmouth Port -

2022-09-02 19:59:33 By : Mr. Jack zeng

Your Source for everything Cape Cod

YARMOUTH PORT – Firefighters were called to a house fire in Yarmouth Port just after 3 PM Thursday.Heavy smoke and fire were showing when crews arrived at 38 Brush Hill Road. The fire appeared to have started on the outside of the structure and crews were checking for extension to the second floor. There were no reports of injuries. The cause of the fire is under investigation. From Yarmouth Fire: Shortly after 3PM today Yarmouth Fire Department received a 911 call for a house on fire at 38 Brush Hill Rd. Yarmouth Port. Two Yarmouth Engines and an ambulance responded as well as automatic mutual aid Ladder Truck from Barnstable and an Engine from Dennis. An ambulance from Harwich was requested to the scene shortly after crews arrived.

Yarmouth Police were first to arrive and quickly shut down the road so fire trucks could get into position and safely work in the street.

Fire crews arrived on location within a few minutes to find a large exterior fire on the left side of the house with fire extension into the first floor, second floor and attic. Shortly after arrival crews were notified that the family was not at home.

Fire crews quickly extended two hoselines, one for interior firefighting where crews entered the front door and the other hoseline was deployed to the exterior fire. The exterior fire was quickly knocked down. Crews concentrated efforts on the second floor and attic where access to the fire was much more difficult.

When all crews were on scene and committed to the fire building Command went over the radio and requested a working fire assignment. This call brings in mutual aid engines and ambulances from our neighboring towns to cover the three Yarmouth Fire Stations. Those crews responded to other calls in town allowing crews on the fire scene to concentrate on the fire.

Although the fire was brought under control in about 20 minutes crews remained on scene for about 2 ½ hours.

There are no reported injuries from firefighters and the fire is under investigation from the Yarmouth Fire Department Fire Investigation Team.

Top photos by John P. Carroll/CWN; lower photo by Yarmouth Fire/CWN

Cape Wide News was created in 1998 by Provincetown native Tim Caldwell to provide public-safety, spot-news coverage on Cape Cod. This includes the negatives--crimes, crashes and fires--but also positive events such as department promotions and retirements, charity functions and any other activities involving police and fire departments and associated agencies.

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