2022-07-22 19:57:41 By : Ms. Mia Tian

For Sale: adorable Miniature Aussies, (2) black tris, (4) blue merles w/ blue eyes, males and females, registered, up to date on vaccines, 8 wks. old, on dry food, prices start at $900 – 979-270-1520 or 979-551-0511

For Sale: (5) vintage, wood, single pane windows $30 ea., (15) vintage doors $50 ea., kitchen shelves and cabinets, taking best offer, all removed from 1940’s Houston Heights home ; (5) aluminum replacement windows, various sizes, brand new, in original packaging $75 ea. or $300/all ; 5th-wheel trailer hitch, slider for short wheel base truck, ext. 5’ trailer hitch, like new $400 ea. ; (15) aluminum screens, various sizes, best offer ; 32” burglar bar door $50 – 713-466-4081 NO TEXTING

For Sale: stainless steel dairy tank, insulated, 1000 gal., 10x5x5’, will deliver within Washington and surrounding counties $650 – 979-530-6499

For Sale: Direct TV satellite dish for RV, incl. SWiM receiver, weighted stand, and tripod stand $125 ; GE double oven $150 ; GE microwave $25 – 979-525-9465

For Sale: 36’ aluminum extension ladder $75 ; 52 gal. pressure tank, brand new $200 FIRM ; lg. antique Cedar blanket chest, has copper straps, 6’ long, very early piece $400 ; antique Long Leaf Pine wardrobe, very early Texas piece, exceptional quality $600 ; old Pine cabinet w/ shelves, over 100 yrs. old $500 ; white blanket/toy chest $100 ; white desk w/ matching stool $100 ; wicker chair w/ heart shaped back $20 ; wicker stool $10 – 979-203-5133

For Sale: Gravely model L1 garden tractor, antique garden tractor w/ mower and sm. trailer loaded w/ equipment, great restoration project – 979-836-3784

For Sale: Kubota model T1760 riding mower, water cooled Kawasaki engine, 48” deck, good cond. ; Ford 1600 diesel tractor, new tires, 2WD, engine locked up, make offer – 979-732-7916

For Sale: Bobcat CT230 tractor, 30HP, 4WD, 464 hrs., front end loader, 5’ bucket, set of forks, 5’ shredder, 5’ finish mower, disc, moldboard plow, 5’ box blade $10,000 ; Cub Cadet RT65 dual direction tiller $300 – 832-948-3395 call or text

For Sale: custom made, wood, Houston Texans twin bed $150 ; 20” boys Mongoose “Rebel” bike $60 ; (2) filters for above ground pool, type A and C $11 – 979-277-5952

For Sale: 18” girl pink bike, new tube $25 ; girls Barbie scooter $8 ; riding 3-wheel toy $8 ; 3-tier glass TV stand, heavy $40 ; wood/glass end table $15 – 979-277-8845

For Sale: (3) Catahoula pups, (2) female and (1) male, 10 wks. old, can send pictures – 979-200-9888

For Sale: Whirlpool washer and dryer, matching $250 – 979-270-0706

For FREE: (2) boxes of canning jars, all sizes – 979-836-3350 after 10a

Wanted: cargo trailer, enclosed, 16-18’, dual axle, swing down rear door – 979-836-2200

Wanted: hay spear, for bucket of tractor ; sm. hay ring ; sm. pieced of land in/near Washington Co., NO restrictions, to park RV on weekends – 979-733-7847

For Sale: 2.5 CHA outdoor unit ; 2756017 tires w/ rims, will fit Ford ; Universal Moon rims ; 20” rims, for Ford truck ; lowboy trailer, just the frame, made from mobile home axles ; ’99 Jeep Cherokee – 979-203-2278

For FREE: chicken manure, bring you own container ; For Sale: bags of goat manure, does not need to be composted ; Dairy goat bucks for stud service ; Wanted: original radio for ’00 Chevy truck, will trade Bluetooth radio – 979-530-7421 NO TEXTING

Wanted: will take any birds you no longer want or can take care of, anytime ; chickens, NO roosters ; doves (white, ring neck, red wing), in Brenham, reasonable price ; round dinner bell, reasonable price – 979-836-7775

For Sale: Yamaha 350cc 4-wheeler ; Honda 300cc 4-wheler ; chainsaw w/ extra chains ; Wanted: (10-20) laying hens – 979-551-1826

For Sale: Massey-Ferguson 302 tractor, PTO, front end loader, box blade, runs good – 832-746-8126

Wanted: single burner propane cooker ; lg. aluminum pot ; round bales of hay – 979-830-9061

Wanted: fertilized guinea eggs ; Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire rooster – 208-407-2185

For Sale: riding mower, 42” cut $450 OBO – 979-451-2479 or 979-451-2427

For Sale: ’02 Chevy S-10, ext. cab, V6, automatic ; ‘02 Ford Ranger, V6, automatic ; ’00 GMC Sonoma, 3-door, 5-speed, 100K mi. ; Cub Cadet self-propelled mower, commercial ; DR Mower, lg. wheel, 6.5HP ; ’05 work truck, ½ ton -- 979-830-9095

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