On May 10, 2022, at approximately 8:11 p.m., a Missoula County Sheriff’s Office Deputy exited Interstate 90 and noticed a vehicle that stopped some distance before the stop sign on the off-ramp. The vehicle ended up making a left-hand turn without using its turn signal onto Highway 200.
The deputy followed the vehicle and noticed it was significantly over the fog line. The vehicle had a difficult time maintaining its lane of traffic. At one point, the vehicle pulled into Oley’s gas station. The deputy did a vehicle registration check and was advised that the registered owner of the vehicle, 24-year-old Matthew Corntassel, was suspended.
A male exited the vehicle and walk into the gas station. The Deputy parked on the east side of the gas station and waited a few minutes. Eventually, the same vehicle starting to leave the parking lot and almost ended up in an accident with another vehicle. A short time later, the deputy activated his emergency lights and conducted a traffic stop. When he approached the vehicle, he asked the driver if he was Matthew. The driver confirmed that he was Matthew, and that the vehicle was his.
The deputy could smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage and marijuana coming from the vehicle. He could also see several open containers of beer cans in the vehicle along with marijuana drug paraphernalia in the back seat. The deputy asked Matthew to step out of the vehicle.
He asked Matthew how much he had to drink, and Matthew admitted to drinking one Bud Light. Matthew was asked about any other drugs, and he admitted to smoking marijuana about seven hours prior. Matthew also admitted to having a suspended driver's license.
The deputy advised Matthew that he was going to do standardized field sobriety tests to check to see if he was okay to drive. Matthew stated, “I'm safe to drive but you guys are going to say I'm not”. The FSTs were conducted and Matthew had difficulty performing any of the tests. Matthew also refused to give a preliminary alcohol breath test. Matthew was placed under arrest for DUI.
Court documents indicate Matthew is on felony probation for criminal endangerment due to a DUI. The deputy contacted the on-call probation officer and they authorized a search of the vehicle. During the search, they found a couple containers of hash oil, 60 grams of marijuana, and a scale.
The deputy transported Matthew to St. Patrick's Hospital for blood draw. After the blood draw was done, the deputy told Matthew to stand up out of the chair so he could place Matthew back into handcuffs. He noticed Matthew was clenching something in his hand and then dumped the item in his right pocket. The deputy took control of Matthew, placed him back into handcuffs, searched his right pocket, and pulled a small baggie of cocaine from Matthew’s pocket.
Matthew is currently being charged with felony criminal possession of dangerous drugs, careless driving, driving with a suspended license, and driving under the influence, second offense.
The information in this article was obtained from sources that are publicly viewable.