Malfunctioning door at Adult Center defies repair attempts | Local News |

2022-09-23 20:19:53 By : Ms. Jojo Hou

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A woman enters the Roswell Adult Center, 807 N. Missouri Ave., Wednesday afternoon. The controls for the accessible entrance at the center have not been functioning since June. The city's facilities maintenance department and its vendors have not yet been able to successfully fix the door but are continuing to work on repairs.

A woman enters the Roswell Adult Center, 807 N. Missouri Ave., Wednesday afternoon. The controls for the accessible entrance at the center have not been functioning since June. The city's facilities maintenance department and its vendors have not yet been able to successfully fix the door but are continuing to work on repairs.

The automatic accessible door at the Roswell Adult Center has not been functioning for several months, but the city has been working to try and get it fixed, according to the city’s Public Affairs director.

The door, which can be opened manually, is operated from the outside by a button near the entrance. On the inside, a sensor detects when a person approaches the door, which then opens automatically. Neither has functioned properly since June.

Public Affairs Director Juanita Jennings, who oversees the Recreation Department including the Adult Center, said city staff in Facilities Maintenance discovered an issue with the voltage.

“They reached out to some companies to figure out what could it be and if they could provide the help,” Jennings said.

“They had made several attempts at getting the door working,” she said.

That included replacing switches, the solenoid, the transformer and ground wire, she said.

After the repairs, the door would work for a short time and then stop working again, Jennings said.

April Hunter, recreation supervisor at the Adult Center, said a contractor looked at the door Tuesday and had ordered another part to attempt fixing the door.

If that does not work, then the city will have to look for a vendor that has specific experience with the accessible doors, Jennings said. She was not sure if there were any local vendors that would qualify.

In the meantime, staff keep an eye on the door to open it for anyone needing assistance, Hunter said. Jennings said Facilities Maintenance will put a door stop on the door so it can be propped open during the center’s operating hours to keep in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act.

City/RISD reporter Juno Ogle can be reached at 575-622-7710, ext. 205, or

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