I Saw You | I Saw You | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander | News, Politics, Music, Calendar, Events in Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and the Inland Northwest

2022-06-24 20:10:12 By : Mr. Frank Zhang

THAT SMILE! We pick our kids up from the same school. And, for the past couple weeks, we have made eye contact and smiled at each other. Your smile makes my day. And you're beautiful to boot. It's a shame school is almost over. I tried getting your attention today (Wednesday). Hope you see this. We drive the same type of black vehicle, but different years.

BEWARE THE FLIPPER GUY: I saw you from a distance. I was hoping not to see you, even though you taught me so much about your business in hindsight. I should have brought a flashlight to really see in those dark-curtained rooms, to check for multicolored walls, brush-painted plastic wall tiles and windows with bullet holes. Where was the key for the keyed mailbox and spare paint to fix your sloppy repainted walls. What about the manuals for the thermostat and yard watering system. Are the "refinished floors" all really refinished? No? Are there hidden holey window screens? Are the floor tiles peel-and-stick (which cannot be mopped?) Are the kitchen appliances poor quality and faulty? I am sorry I saw you. Call me Duped

NEED HELP IN FINDING YOU: I am putting this article here in hopes of someone who knows this man, and his whereabouts, will come forward with information. This is a missing man, and I am trying to help his family locate him. His name is Nick Amberson. He is a 31-year-old male who went missing on Easter Sunday. He left his NW home walking with only phone, car key, wallet. This has become more than just a missing person, as Nick loved his car and would not walk away from it. SPD Detective Chad Erdman is handling the case. If anyone has any information, please contact SPD and reference Case No. 2022-20064984. I implore anyone with any information big or small to call authorities. This is a parent's worst nightmare come true for his mom. She is devastated, terrified, hurting, scared and lost. Let's please help bring her son back home safe and sound. THANK YOU for reading this.

LOST AND FOUND... DID YOU SEE ME! Did you see me? I'm a 2½ x 2½-foot Bright Orange cloth (two-sided) attached to a 6-foot-long bike flag pole. I have the emblems of all of the high Schools in Spokane County, plus the Eagles, WSU, Gonzaga & Whitworth logos... I was riding on my owner's trike, but I think someone with a flag fetish got all hot and bothered and took me off the cycle... I had ridden on the trike for over 4,000 miles in the greater Spokane area so don't believe I just fell off. A reward might be offered...Coffee at Pittoti's or Cedar Coffee??

GOLF HEAVEN: Cheers to our world-class city and county public golf courses. Affordable, friendly, utterly gorgeous. Get out there, you'll likely meet players from distant locations, in town solely to experience the exceptional golf scene, the one we take for granted. It's right outside our front door.

SAFEWAY SHADLE ON A SUNDAY MORNING: Thank you to the several people who came to the assistance of my husband and myself when he passed out, in the middle of the parking lot, due to a recent medical issue. They stopped what they were doing, even stopping a vehicle backing up near where my husband was. A gentleman helped him back to his feet and made sure he was OK. We didn't get to tell you all Thank You, we greatly appreciate you and your kindness! You could have easily looked away or minded your own business, which we are soo grateful you all didn't. BTW, he is doing better.

LITTLE BIRD: To the little bird who chirps, starting at 4 am, every morning... so beautiful.

HATE ISN'T GENETIC: When I taught high school math it was very common to hear students cast insults at one another. Often they referenced race or ethnicity or sexual orientation. I would explain to them that we can't be judging people based on their DNA. None of us has any control what we will be at the moment of conception. We do have control over who we grow up to be. Hate isn't genetic. Hate is taught and learned. Hatred is the ultimate expression of toxic fear. If you fear being a failure, then being a hater will not be your key to success. You will not be feared, but hated.

Author Leah Sottile discusses her deep dive into two dead children in Idaho, and where extreme religion meets extreme conspiratorial fervor

Jess Walter's new collection offers a little hope in dark times across 12 tales

Tips and tricks for navigating Hoopfest, the massive 3-on-3 basketball tournament that turns Spokane into Hooptown USA

HELP THE HOMELESS: First off, I want to start by saying that WA State has the most help if you want to get back to being self-sufficient. Bar none. That being said some of the programs in place for the homeless are pretty unattainable. Most are traumatized and have no place of residence and sleep on the streets. How are they supposed to obtain gainful employment if they are dealing with no place to live, trauma, and addiction and a slew of other things??? My heart goes out to them. But that is not enough. Most weren't raised with the tools needed to become self-sufficient. The time for change is now. We the people have had enough. God bless America.

THE AR IS AN ASSAULT WEAPON: This is in response to those individuals who use selectively picked "facts" to justify the civilian use of AR-15 and similar weapons. The precursor to the M16 is the AR-15, originally designed as an assault rifle, firing high-velocity small-caliber cartridges. Colt, at the request of the US military, subsequently modified the AR-15 design, becoming the M16. Suggesting that the AR-15 is a civilian rather than an assault weapon is disingenuous at best. A 22LR bullet typically weighs between 30-40 grams; the .223 bullet comes in between 45 to 70 grams. But the biggest difference is muzzle velocity. ... Consider the impact of your 10-year-old son deliberately throwing a baseball directly at your chest. Now imagine a professional baseball pitcher throwing a fastball traveling at 95 miles per hour from the same distance. The first you would hardly feel – the second you will end up with bruised, if not broken, ribs. So let's quit being delusional. The AR-15 is an assault weapon, it's original design and intent being to maim and kill other human beings.

RE: SUNDAY DRIVERS: You have lived here three years and call people Sunday drivers. Most of the people in Spokane go over the speed limit. If you don't like the way people drive, maybe you should take the bus or go somewhere else.

OH WOW! Now I know the difference between a nationalist and a Nazi. If you are related to someone who has power over the lives of people you're a nationalist.

RE:RE:RE: HANDICAPPED FRAUD: Who are you to tell me what is or is not my business? It effects me, therefore it matters to me. You were not there. The woman was obviously the epitome of health. Why are you defending someone about something that is not your business. You were not there. I have had open chest surgery. A year ago. Through no fault of my own, the rest of my now significantly shortened life, I will be hooked up to oxygen tanks. What I saw that day was not the only example. Please just let me have the spot. And don't argue with me just to argue when there is no reason to whatsoever. My ex-wife already has that job. ♦