EV Grieve: Astor Place Wegmans watch, automatic sliding doors edition

2022-05-28 01:54:19 By : Ms. alinda zeng

An award-winning news site covering the East Village of NYC

I want Aldi to come down here too. Shopped at them in Germany, they are amazing, the food is high quality and the prices are mindbogglingly cheap.

Yes, it would be great to have an Aldi in our area! I love the one in east Harlem, but it's such a schlep to get there.

I love Wegmans ! Aldi's is cheap but nowhere near the quality of Wesgmans.

I can do without an Aldi's...A low-rent version of Trader Joe's (same family in Germany)

It is absurd how long it takes to get these approvals.

They have the in the suburbs outside the city. Their prices are extremely low relative to Whole Foods and even Trader Joe’s and quality is outstanding not super fancy. I doubt that they will ever be allowed in nyc because they would destroy their competition.

I doubt they’ll ever be in NYC because the rent is too damn high.

@9:09PM: Are you referring to Aldi's? There IS an Aldi's in Manhattan (and it's been here for many years). I've shopped there.

There's an Aldi in a the big Costco/Target mall in East Harlem.

Speaking of grocery stores, I have not heard anything new about the grocer that was going into the old Associated space on 14th Street in quite a long while. Does anyone know if that's still happening?

patrick10009, Have been wondering about that myself... I haven't been over there during the day in a while ... someone who lives in StuyTown told me he has seen activity inside the space...

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