End of an era with plans to demolish Stoke-on-Trent school - Stoke-on-Trent Live

2022-07-15 20:00:43 By : Ms. linda HAXIAO

Abbey Hill School, on Greasley Road, in Bucknall, is set to be bulldozed

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Plans have been put forward to clear a derelict school - as a scheme ramps up to create a new facility on the site. Permission is being sought to demolish the one-time Abbey Hill School on Bucknall's Greasley Road.

It comes as there's a scheme already in place to create a new school on the site. Now planners at Stoke-on-Trent City Council are being asked to rubberstamp the plans to clear the site.

An application submitted to the local authority states: "The building has been left vacant and part derelict for several years. Demolition is required in order to develop a new special needs school on the existing site."

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That is just one application currently being considered by the city council. Here are the recent schemes being considered by local authorities in the area:

Stoke on Trent City Council

68117/PRA: Change of use to residential including external alterations to frontage (prior approval).at 97 High Lane, Burslem, ST6 7DF

68104/PRA:15.0m Phase 8 Monopole C/W wrapround cabinet at base and associated ancillary works (prior approval) on land at Haywood Road, Burslem, ST6 7AG

68095/FUL: Change of use to hot food takeaway (retrospective) at 111 Regent Road, Hanley, ST1 3BL

68093/FUL: Erection of two-storey side and rear extensions at 17 Castleton Road, Lightwood, ST3 7TD

68087/PRA: Installation of solar equipment (prior approval) at Unit 2, G-Park, Whittle Road, Meir, ST3 7TU

68084/FUL: Erection of two storey side extension at 31 Osborne Road, Hartshill, ST4 7PF

68050/FUL: Change of use from three bed residential dwelling (C3) to Class E (e) for use as a health clinic (Osteopathy and Physiotherapy) at 185 Mayne Street, Hanford, ST4 4QZ

68052/FUL: Installation of aluminium automatic telescopic sliding door and painting of existing shopfront (both in Anthracite RAL 7016 colour).at Tesco Express, Far Green Industrial Estate, Unit 1, Hanley, ST1 6AZ

68047/FUL: Elevational alterations comprising external wall insulation to front and rear elevation of residential properties and replacement door canopies at 41, 42, 44, 45 Camp Road and 2,6 Croft Court, Smallthorne, ST6 1LF

68037/FUL: Erection of single detached dwelling with new vehicular and pedestrian accesses at 32 Edgeware Street, Cobridge, ST1 5JT

68015/FUL: Erection of 140 dwellings, areas of public open space, landscaping, and associated works together with alterations to existing car park on land north of Leek New Road, Baddeley Green, ST2 7HG

67947/FUL: 1.2m and 1.8m high green mesh fencing to north, east and west boundaries at Johnstone's Leyland Decorating Centre, Broad Street, Hanley, ST1 4EJ

67931/FUL: Change of use of existing office block to a 'Digital Shop' and installation of a roller shutter door on the side elevation at Bestway Panacea Holdings Limited, Enterprise Way, Meir, ST3 7UN

68152/DEM: Demolition of former school and associated buildings / structures (prior notification) at Abbey Hill and Performing Art College, Greasley Road, Abbey Hulton, ST2 8LG

68156/PNH: Single storey rear extension (prior approval) at 40 Sandwick Crescent, Birches Head, ST1 6SS

68135/T5DN: Removal of one poplar tree (TPO No. 122) on land off Wedgwood Drive, Barlaston, ST12 9ES

68133/FUL: Installation of new hardstanding/driveway and associated footway crossing to front of property at 1078 Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 6AS

68123/FUL: Erection of a temporary sales cabin with associated car parking and boundary treatment (retrospective) at Trentham Fields, New Inn Lane, Trentham, ST4 8EX

68128/FUL: Extension of existing vehicular access including dropped kerb and porous block paved driveway at 40 Dairyfields Way, Sneyd Green, ST1 6XJ

68127/FUL: Two storey rear extension at 21 Flamborough Grove, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 3QZ

68114/FUL: Single storey front and rear extension at 5 Rockfield Avenue, Baddeley Edge, ST2 7NQ

68112/FUL: Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension at 10 Corina Way, Longton, ST3 5XG

68107/FUL: Single storey side extension to create single garage, new front entrance canopy and alterations to existing driveway at 23 Alderton Grove, Meir Park, ST3 7SZ

68158/FUL: Two storey side extension at 191 Newcastle Road, Trent Vale, ST4 6PZ

68103/FUL: Installation of new plant within the service yard and on the mezzanine roof at Sainsbury's, London Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 7QD

68096/FUL: Demolish existing buildings and erection of eight three bed 2 1/2 storey semi-detached dwellings, six two bed apartments and new access (part retrospective) at Snows Garage, 706 Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 3NP

68099/FUL: First floor side extension with carport underneath and part side/rear single storey extension at 25 Star and Garter Road, Lightwood, ST3 7HS

68092/FUL: Single storey front/side extension at Cedar Barn, 960 Lightwood Road, Lightwood, ST3 7NF

68101/VAR: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of permission 66886/FUL (creation of an Oxygen Vacuum Insulated Evaporator ('VIE') compound) at Royal Stoke University Hospital, Newcastle Road, Trent Vale, ST4 6QG

68100/VAR: Application under Section 19 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas Act) 1990 (as amended) to vary condition 9 of permission 64719/LBC (repair and restoration works to existing kilns) at The Three Sisters downdraught kilns, Woodbank Street, Stoke-on-Trent

68098/FUL: Change of use to two self-contained one bedroom flats at 359 High Street, Tunstall, ST6 5EN

68085/FUL: Replacement of existing dwelling and new vehicular access at 23 Nursery Avenue, Stockton Brook, ST9 9NY

68088/FUL: Erection of a detached dwelling at 23 Nursery Avenue, Stockton Brook, ST9 9NY

68075/CLP: Certificate of (proposed) lawful development for change of use to residential at 62 St Michaels Road, Chell, ST6 6LF

68067/FUL: Two storey front extension and single storey side extension to garage at 2A Fenners Grove, Trentham, ST4 8FH

68065/FUL: First floor side extension, single storey and two storey rear extension including conversion of existing garage at 12 Branson Avenue, Longton, ST3 5LA

68061/FUL: Change of use to drinking establishment (with expanded food and retail provision for arts, crafts and books) at ground floor level to include external alterations, repair works and creation of independent residential access and creation of two residential apartments at upper floor levels at 6 Market Place, Burslem, ST6 4AT

68060/FUL: Elevation alterations and extension of the back of house freezer/chillers areas. Alterations to the layout of the corral and new external fence, with new section of roof deck. New and relocated buton barriers, relocated grill bays and associated works to the site at McDonald's Restaurant, Phoenix Retail Park, Baths Road, Longton, ST3 2JB

68046/FUL: Provision of 16 parking spaces with associated vehicular accesses and landscaping scheme on land at Beaconsfield Drive, Blurton, ST3 3DY

68043/FUL: Alterations to existing roof comprising profiled cladding and increase in roof height and design together with elevational alterations comprising profiled cladding and replacement fascia treatment to existing front elevation at Units B3 & B4, Sneyd Hill Industrial Estate, Sneyd Hill, Burslem, ST6 2EB

68039/FUL: Alterations to existing roof comprising profiled cladding and increase in roof height and design together with elevational alterations comprising profiled cladding and replacement fascia treatment to existing front elevation at Unit B5, Sneyd Hill Industrial Estate, Sneyd Hill, Burslem, ST6 2EB

68034/FUL: Erection of two storey side and rear extension and formation of parking space within front garden at 36 Emerson Road, Cobridge, ST6 3JJ

68033/FUL: Change of use to menage including boundary fencing (retrospective) at Orchard Cottage, 672 Lightwood Road, Lightwood, ST3 7HE

68009/FUL: Erection of 30 bed mental health care facility (Use Class C2) with car parking and ancillary development on land off Westport Road and Hall Street, Burslem

67968/AD: One fascia sign and 11 window vinyls at 103 Silverstone Crescent, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 6XP

67906/FUL and 67907/LBC: Partial redevelopment of the Spode Pottery Works site for mixed use development comprising selected demolitions, conversion, extensions and new buildings providing 109 dwellings, 823sqm of employment space, 133sqm café/bar, and 135 sqm gym/leisure (all uses within Use Class E); together with associated public realm, landscaping and external works at Spode Pottery Works Site, Elenora Street and Church Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 1QD

67880/FUL: Removal of timber storage sheds and construction of replacement storage building at Lynton House, Hose Street, Tunstall, ST6 5AL

22/00535/FUL: Proposed extension to rear at 3 Carlton Avenue, Newcastle, ST5 4EU

22/00528/FUL: Proposed installation of one new BT Street Hub, incorporating 75" LCD advert screens plus the removal of associated BT kiosk(s) on pavement O/S 31 - 33 High Street, Newcastle, ST5 1QZ

22/00529/ADV: Two digital 75" LCD display screens, one on each side of the Street Hub unit on pavement O/S 31 - 33 High Street, Newcastle, ST5 1QZ

22/00526/FUL: Two storey side extension at 2 Farmers Bank, Silverdale, ST5 6NE

22/00524/TWA: Tree marked red on plan to remove to allow vision into the site - low amenity value Trees marked purple on the plan crown raise to 3m maximum to give clearance on delivery vehicles and also open up vision - no cuts to be made over 50mm, remove any dead wood if required and carry out inspection at Victoria Hotel, Brampton Road, May Bank, ST5 0SJ

22/00518/FUL: Demolition of existing buildings and construction of a new dwelling at barn adjacent to Wood Lodge, Apedale Road, Wood Lane

21/01042/NMA: Non-material amendment relating to alterations to planning permission 21/01042/FUL to use render finish on the principal elevation at first floor level. Removal of canopy indicated on approved drawings, removal of stone window cills and heads on the approved drawings at 132 Ravens Lane, Stoke On Trent, ST7 8PY

21/00660/CN06: Application for approval of site investigations in respect of coal mining legacy features as required by condition 6 of planning permission reference 21/00660/FUL (construction of one new two storey dwelling) at site of proposed 45 Stonebank Road, Stoke-On-Trent, ST7 4HQ

20/00836/NMA2: Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 20/00836/FUL for the alteration to style of approved window openings to include the addition of Juliet balconies and to increase the height of boundary wall to front of site at 200 Whitehill Road, Kidsgrove, ST7 4DT

22/00348/FUL: Garden shed -storage room at 17 Betley Hall Gardens, Betley, CW3 9BB

22/00336/FUL: Retention of timber framed summer house with timber cladding to the exterior at 4 Red Bull, Newcastle Road, Bloreheath, TF9 2QS

22/00319/NMA: Application for a non-material amendment relating to alterations to planning permission 22/00319/FUL as the rear single storey roof has changed from a parapet roof to a flat roof and the window sizes to the side elevation have been amended - Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension at 23 Westlands Avenue, Newcastle, ST5 2PU

22/00551/LBC and 22/00550/FUL: Replace current roof which is constructed of wood and felt with stones on top and three white UPVC skylights, with a new wood and rubberised coating together with one aluminium powder coated skylight in the centre. The main structure of the Orangery will remain the same at Old Hall, Poolside, Madeley, CW3 9DX

22/00554/FUL: Single storey rear and side extension at 9 Church Lane, Mow Cop, ST7 4LR

22/00542/FUL: Erection of a single storey front porch at Hollybush Farm, 127 Jug Bank, Ashley, TF9 4NJ

22/00520/FUL: New porch at 75 Romney Avenue, Chesterton, ST5 7JR

22/00397/FUL: Partial demolition of former ground floor sui generis accommodation and first floor flats. The construction of new sui generis accommodation comprising Use Classes E(a) and E(b) and 55 student flats with associated communal, ancillary accommodation and amenity spaces at 9-11 Liverpool Road, Newcastle, ST5 2AU

DET/2022/0026: Change of use of agricultural buildings to one dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) at Barnes Lea Farm, Reacliffe Road, Rudyard, SK11 0QZ

SMD/2022/0324: Proposed two storey extension to side at 1 White Gables, Ladderedge, Leek, ST13 7AD

SMD/2022/0321: Alterations and extensions to form new kitchen living area and bedroom and en-suite over at Foxt And Whiston Vicarage, Shay Lane, Foxt, ST10 2HN

SMD/2022/0294: Proposed single storey side and rear extensions at 56 Bridgwood Road, Blythe Bridge, ST11 9PR

SMD/2022/0275: Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission SMD/2018/0789 (as amended) providing details of scale, layout, appearance and landscaping for the erection of a manufacturing building, together with outdoor storage areas, service yards, parking, landscaping, attenuation ponds and associated infrastructure on land at Blythe Park, Sandon Road, Cresswell

DOC/2022/0035: Discharge of condition 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, 19, 22, 24, 31, 41, 46, 49 in relation to SMD/2018/0789 on land at Blythe Park, Sandon Road, Cresswell

SMD/2022/0269: Widen driveway access at 218 Uttoxeter Road, Blythe Bridge, ST11 9JR

SMD/2022/0243: Proposed single storey rear extension at 246A Tree Tops, Park Lane, Knypersley, ST8 7NR

SMD/2022/0215: Extension to garage/store (retrospective) on land to the rear of 150 Bagnall Road, Milton, ST2 7LW

SMD/2022/0189: Erection of two units (Class E/Sui Generis) and associated works on land at Broad Street, Leek

SMD/2022/0106: Replacement of three windows (ground floor, first floor and second floor) to the front of property at 44 King Street, Leek, ST13 5NW

SMD/2021/0841 and SMD/2021/0854: Conversion, alterations and extension of the two-storey former Warehouse and Silk Shade to create three three-bedroom properties plus one bedroom detached dwelling in place of the former outbuilding at 2 4 Warehouse, Silk Street, Leek, ST13 6HX

SMD/2022/0344: Redevelopment of previously developed site for erection of up to four bungalows (outline with all matters reserved) at Gravel Bank Farm, Caverswall Common Lane, Caverswall, ST11 9EU

SMD/2022/0342: Change of use from dental practice to dwelling house, proposal of rear extension and internal alterations at 57, Cheadle Road, Cheddleton

SMD/2022/0346: Rear extension with modification to roof and removal of chimneys/front porch at 486 Ash Bank Road, Werrington, ST9 0DT

SMD/2022/0334: Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed detached garage at Old Mill Farm, Old Mill Lane, Bagnall, ST9 9JS

CON/2022/0010: Replace 600m of open wire electricity line with a new bunched conductor at New Street, Biddulph Moor, ST8 7NQ

SMD/2022/0338: Erection of front porch and rear single storey extension at 359 The Haven, Leek Road, Endon, ST9 9BA

SMD/2022/0339: Proposed single storey rear kitchen and family room extension at 83 Sandown, Chapel Street, Forsbrook, ST11 9DA

SMD/2022/0308: Proposed two-storey front and side extension at Vale View, Hazles Cross Road, Kingsley, ST10 2AX

SMD/2022/0300: Single storey side extension and single storey gable end extension at 16 High View Road, Endon, ST9 9HT

SMD/2022/0255: Front extension to the garage and change of use to dining room and utility at 18, Rownall View, Leek, ST13 8JN

SMD/2022/0249: Residential development of 67 houses with a mix of two and two and a half storey dwellings, consisting of new access to Cheadle Road, new public open space, sustainable urban drainage, landscaping, pumping station and associated works on land off Cheadle Road, Upper Tean

SMD/2022/0217: Existing Certificate of Lawfulness for change of use of paddock to garden at Pool Bungalow, Clewlows Bank, Stockton Brook, ST9 9LN

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