Plenty of Destiny 2 challenges that players can attempt to complete that vary in difficulty. One of the trickier Destiny 2 Triumphs to earn is called “Fever Dream” which is on, the more difficult side since it requires multiple steps to complete. Fans must complete four other hidden triumphs scattered throughout the Leviathan ship before earning this one. These triumphs require fans to defeat tough enemy groups that are hidden, so for fans still needing to complete this, here is how to complete the fever dream Destiny 2 triumph.
The Nightmare Breached triumph can be earned by waiting around the Pleasure Garden section of the Leviathan ship. When the prompt “A sword and shield clash together” appears in the bottom left, the group of enemies has now appeared. There will be a secret tunnel with a faint white light in the rock wall to the top left of the entrance with tough enemies inside. Defeat them all to earn the triumph.
For the Sporest of Beasts triumph, wait around the Pleasure Garden area until the prompt “A distant snore of sleeping War Beasts” appears on the bottom left. When this shows, find the part of the floor with the automatic sliding circular door and jump down. There will be plenty of enemies inside; defeat them all to earn the title.
For the Drainage triumph, go to the Destiny 2 Royal Pools area in the Leviathan ship and wait around until the “A red laser dot briefly passes over your ghost” prompt appears. Once that shows, go into the top right section of the Pools and defeat the sniper boss enemies. Defeating them all earns players the Drainage triumph.
Lastly, stay in the Royal Pools area and wait until the “Dark Ether thickens in the air…” prompt pops up on the screen. When this does, a secret room should open around the middle section of the area, and when fans reach the end, a group of enemies awaits them. Additionally, there are three fires in this room that gamers have to light to summon the “Nightmare of Sy’ad The Unending” boss. Once all this is taken care of, this will be the last step for how to earn Fever Dream Triumph in Destiny 2.
If fans did all of the complete the fever dream Destiny 2 triumph steps correctly, they should automatically unlock the Fever Dream title.
Destiny 2 is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and PC.
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