By Alex Oliveira For Dailymail.Com
Published: 17:24 EDT, 18 August 2022 | Updated: 18:59 EDT, 18 August 2022
A 'confused' driver took a turn through the upper level of an indoor mall outside of Boston on Thursday, according to police.
The odd incident went down at the South Shore Plaza mall in Braintree, where footage and photos showed a white Ford SUV parked on a carpeted causeway, a strip of shops to one side and a drop to the floor below on the other.
Shoppers could be seen gaping in disbelief at the sight, while a mall security agent leaned in the driver's side window to speak with the lost driver.
'Confused' driver ends up on upper level inside South Shore Plaza
The driver was an elderly woman who became disoriented while trying to leave the parking garage at the South Shore Plaza mall outside of Boston
The odd incident went down at the South Shore Plaza mall in Braintree, which is just south of Boston
The car was driven by an elderly woman who managed to drive the car down a pedestrian bridge connected to the mall's south parking garage, the Braintree Fire Department told CBS Boston.
Authorities said automatic doors leading to the bridge opened when the woman approached them in her car. A recent accident had knocked out a safety barrier in front of the door and left the entrance open to willing cars.
Police said the woman drove through the doors 'very slowly, took a left and parked it in front of a retail store.'
According to cops she made it about 60 yards into the mall, and though nobody was hurt there were a number of 'startled shoppers.'
Police said the the woman drove through the doors 'very slowly, took a left and parked it in front of a retail store'
The woman drove into the mall through a pedestrian bridge after automatic doors leading from the garage opened for her car
The driver (above) met with a mental health clinician before leaving the mall. She was then transferred to a hospital for evaluation.
Bystanders were talking to the woman as she sat in her parked car when authorities arrived, and she met with a mental health clinician before leaving the mall. She was then transferred to a hospital for evaluation.
Photos showed the driver sitting on a bench and speaking to cops after the incident.
Charges were not filed against the woman, but a driver's license suspension has been submitted to the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles, CBS reported.
The woman's car received some scuffs during the drive, and police said the barrier in front of the door would be replaced 'as soon as possible.'
The footage drew predicable reactions on social media. Twitter user Kristen Brown quipped 'Only in Boston!'
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