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Planning applications received and decided this week.
The list below, taken from Bassetlaw District Council's website contains validated and decided applications from this past week.
Discharge of Conditions 3, 6, 9 and 10 of P.A. 21/00149/FUL - Erect Detached Two Storey Dwelling with Detached Triple Garage and Construct New Access to Plot 2 Land South Of Pumping Station, Bawtry Road, Blyth, Worksop, NottinghamshireWorks to Trees Protected by a Tree Preservation order - T2 Beech Crown Reduce by 30% to 343 Carlton Road, Worksop, NottinghamshireWorks to Trees Protected by a Tree Preservation Order Fell T1 Sycamore and T2 Pine Tree to 3 Old Hall Drive, Retford, NottinghamshireWorks to Trees Covered by a TPO T1 (Lime) Pollard and Reduce Height from 14m to approx. 8m to 11 Crofters View, Retford, NottinghamshireReplacement of Existing Cranes for Continued Operational Use to Centre Of Excellence And Modern Construction, Chesterfield Road, Darfoulds, NottinghamshireDischarge Condition 10 on P.A 20/00810 FUL - Change of Use from Agricultural Cow Shed to Dwelling and Erect Single Storey Side Extension (Resubmission of 20/00188/FUL) to The Cow House Broad Lane, Worksop, NottinghamshireVariation of Condition 2 on P.A 20/00126/FUL to Amend Approved Plans to Reduce the Size of the Proposed Warehouse and Retain the Existing Warehouse which was Proposed to be Demolished as part of the approved application to Albion Mills Eastgate Worksop NottinghamshireSiting of a Portacabin (Retrospective) and Retention of a Hard Standing Area for Vehicular Parking and Ancillary Works Including Landscaped Garden and Pathway to Pentecostal Church, Plantation Hill, Worksop, NottinghamshireTwo Storey Rear Extension Following Demolition of Garden Room. Construction of Garage with Office Over Following Demolition of Existing Garage Building to Riverlea Church Lane, Mattersey, Doncaster, South YorkshireErect Detached Garage Block to Cow Shed Ratcliffe Lane, Hodthorpe, WorksopChange of Use of Agricultural Land to Dog Exercise Area to Land Off Low Street, North Wheatley, Retford, NottinghamshireVariation of Condition 2 on P/A 20/00859/FUL to Allow Amendment to Plot 9 and substitution of plans to Land Including Folly Nook House Folly Nook Lane Ranskill Retford NottinghamshireErection of a Two Storey Dwelling with Detached Double Garage to Land Adjacent To Fairview Cottage Main Street Styrrup South Yorkshire
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