“Use of the force is not required to use the library.”
Such was the message in a Facebook video announcing a facilities upgrade at Rodman Public Library.
Eric Taggart, director of Rodman Public Library in Alliance, said Information Department staff members Jaime Gross and Bryun Reed were the stars of a video that showed off one way to use the Main Library’s new electronic entry doors.
“If staff have particular interests or passions, I encourage them to share that in their work, so I really thought this video was great,” Taggart said.
VIDEO: Check out Rodman Public Library's video showing off its new entry doors, with help from characters from "The Mandalorian."
The video shows Gross and Reed portraying characters from “The Mandalorian” using the new doors, which recently were installed using funds from the federal CARES Act.
The funding, part of the national COVID-19 relief effort, has made use of Rodman Public Library’s East Broadway Street entrance hands-free.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act is a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus bill intended to boost America’s economy after the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.
The doors will help improve safe access to the library.
“Any project that we chose had to be something that would improve the library in some way related to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Taggart said. “We viewed this project as an opportunity to do something for our facility that we would not normally have the ability to do.
“Although these are unique circumstances, we would normally see over 200,000 visitors in a given year. By providing touchless sliding doors, we thought this would be a good way to help limit the spread of germs. In addition, this project provided automatic doors at both of our entrances. Prior to the completion of this project, the Broadway Street entrance did not have automatic doors.”
The funding was part of a grant to Ohio’s public libraries. The doors and labor used just under $30,000 of Rodman’s funding. Trinity Door Systems out of Columbiana County installed the doors, and Pauli Electric provided the electrical work, Taggart said.
“Ohio’s public libraries received $18.3 million through the (CARES Act) to assist them in operating safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. This appropriation provided a $25,000 grant to each Ohio public library building, so with two locations, this provided Rodman Public Library with $50,000. This funding was provided to offset the unanticipated costs of increased sanitation of public library buildings and the purchase of PPE,” Taggart said.
“At Rodman Public Library, in addition to the new sliding doors, this funding has offset our expenses for hand sanitizer, masks, gloves, glass barriers at our public services desks, air filters, and additional cleaning supplies. Like all of Ohio's public libraries, Rodman Public Library is required to follow the Ohio Department of Health’s safety protocols in the Responsible Restart Ohio plan.”
The effort removes potentially one of the danger zones.
“While digital materials are certainly more prevalent than they were in the past, the vast majority of materials that we provide to the community are physical materials, so providing totally touch-free service is unlikely,” Taggart said. “However, everyone either had to touch the doors or the door openers prior to this project. This eliminates people from having to touch what were previously are most frequently contacted surfaces.”
Nicole Brown, head of adult services at Rodman, said safety impacts all areas of the library operation.
“The ongoing impact of the pandemic is reflected in how we offer some of our services to the public. While the number of people physically visiting the building has decreased, we have seen our digital resource use increase, and we still offer curbside service to patrons who don’t feel comfortable entering the building,” Brown said.
“Last year, we started offering online programming, and a selection of online programs will start again in February. The online programs have been popular, but we look forward to offering in person programming again once it’s safe to do so.”
Physical materials are delivered, returned and offered once again for checkout in a new way in the COVID era.
“For the safety of our patrons and staff, when items are returned at any of our locations, we are asking patrons to return materials — with the exception of our Wi-Fi hotspot devices — in the library's book return whenever possible. At the branch, all materials must be returned using the book return near the entrance. Either way, all materials are quarantined for a minimum of four days, per CDC recommendation. After the materials have been quarantined, they are cleaned with a sanitizer and checked in. There are no fines for overdue items — with the exception of our Wi-Fi hotspot devices — at this time due to the process.”