Norristown Police Warning: Do Not Keep Unattended Cars Running | Norristown, PA Patch

2022-05-14 00:23:08 By : Mr. john Xiao

NORRISTOWN —Norristown Police Chief E. Derrick Wood said auto thefts continue to increase because motorists are leaving their cars running and unattended.

Despite the increase in gas prices, motorists are leaving vehicle running while shopping and doing other errands.

"Please use common sense," the chief said Wednesday. "People are leaving their cars running for 30 minutes. You can't leave your car door unlocked with the car running."

Police are investigating these motor vehicle theft:

Police are investigation these thefts from motor vehicles:

Here are ways to prevent theft of autos and items inside autos

Anyone with information, call 610-270-0977, or to remain anonymous, call 278,TIPS or email

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