Every time we get online our information is being scrutinized. We would like to think that our information is safe, but it's not. Everything you search, all that you buy, all that you do online, and even looking at your bank statement and medical records, puts you at risk.
Scammers can get to your information in several different ways. Even if we figure out a way to block them from seeing it, they will always find a way around the security measure. According to ag.ks.org,
The scammer will virtually move through every place that you have left your footprint. That means that everywhere you go, they will track you, to try and get your personal information.
Chubb.com offers these tips,
Visit the Google support page, scroll down and click the “Start removal request” link. As you follow the prompts you will be able to specify the personal information that shows up in Search and will be asked to share a list of relevant search terms, such as your full name, maiden name, and nickname. You’ll also be able to share supplemental details before submitting the request.
After your request is submitted, you should receive an email from Google confirming the request was received. It’s unclear how long the removal process will take.
Along with removing any unwanted information from Google searches, remember to never give out your personal information to a stranger or anyone over the phone, either. And, never click on any links in emails or text messages. Better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your personal and valuable information.